Monday, March 14, 2022


Call it a hardback or a hardcover edition—either way, Think Like a Teacher is now available in that format. It's much more expensive (Amazon's minimum price for a hardcover is much higher than for e-books and paperbacks), and to be frank, I created this format more as a lark than because I legitimately think anyone would buy a hardcover edition, but hey: if you're into such things, the hardcover is now available for the low, low (cough) price of $15.99. I had to set the price that high just to be able to make a measly two bucks off the sale. Sorry. I just ordered myself an author's copy (i.e., since I'm the author, I don't pay any markup); it'll arrive in a few weeks. I'm morbidly curious to see how it turns out.

ADDENDUM: the shipping cost to Korea is more than twice the cost for the book.


Anonymous said...

I bought the paperback version of your book via Amazon.
The total is $5.35 delivered to my doorstep.
The subject matter doesn't apply to my situation but I figured purchasing a copy is the least I could do. I might even learn something.
Hopefully my small purchase adds some traction to your sales.

I am a daily viewer of your blog since about 2006. I also have been following The Baron of Baretto for about an equal time. Both enjoyable escapes to begin the day with the morning coffee.

Praise be to Cthulhu,
-Curtis S.

Kevin Kim said...

Every purchase is appreciated! Thank you, man!