Saturday, March 19, 2022

Victor Davis Hanson on the 10 realities of Ukraine

The 10 Realities of Ukraine

Quick summary:

1. Telling your enemy what you won't do allows him to proceed without restraint.

2. No-fly zones are useless when dealing with big powers.

3. NATO, EU, etc., were wrong to weaken themselves by de-prioritizing Russia.

4. "China is now pro-Russian."

5. Americans are finally seeing the implications of our sloppy Afghanistan withdrawal.

6. Inflation & record gas prices were happening before this war.

7. Putin didn't invade while Trump was in office.

8. Sending arms to Ukraine isn't "escalation."

9. Russia might never fully absorb Ukraine.

10. It's not treasonous to explain how appeasement might have led to Russia's invasion.

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