Friday, March 18, 2022

nasty nosebleed

Just a reminder not to overdose on your ibuprofen! I took two horse tablets of ibuprofen last night because I was suffering some lower-back pain, then a couple hours later, I took two tablets again just to make sure I could sleep through the night. Since I took the second pair of tablets so soon after the first, I guess that counts as an overdose, and my nose would agree: this morning, I woke up to what seemed, initially, to be a runny nose, but when I blew my nose, my Kleenex came away soaked in blood. Now, at around 4 in the afternoon, my nose seems to be behaving better, but there's still some lingering bloodiness. I'll try to stick to only two ibuprofen tablets from now on. Guess I partied too hard yesterday, eh?

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