Monday, September 26, 2022

Matt Walsh gets it

I'm not necessarily the biggest fan of Matt Walsh, who can be pugnacious and unnecessarily confrontational, but I think he nails it in this YouTube Shorts video when Ben Shapiro asks him a theological question that Walsh turns into a discussion of the concept of love. 

If you're looking for love, it's a good idea to know what love is first. Love is not selfish: it's about desiring the spiritual growth of your partner, caring for him/her, and valuing that person more than you value yourself. If you can't get past yourself, you will never find love. Love is not a mere feeling: feelings come and go. Love can be thought of as action, or perhaps more deeply, love is the fundamental, soul-deep orientation leading to actions that contribute to your loved one's growth. Misunderstand this at your peril.

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