Friday, September 16, 2022

Styx on the Martha's Vineyard NIMBYs

Scandal! DeSantis's flying-in of two planeloads (about fifty or so) of illegal aliens is causing a housing crisis in rich, posh Martha's Vineyard? Say it ain't so! Here are two Styx videos basically gloating about this faux crisis. You know perfectly well that these rich fuckers could easily house all this illegal riffraff, but despite their liberal piousness about helping the poor, they're more racist than the supposedly bigoted righties they claim to despise.

By some accounts, Martha's Vineyard can handle an influx of up to six million refugees. But do you expect those rich hypocrites to open their doors to the huddled masses? That's about as likely to happen as JK Rowling's allowing immigrants in Britain to live on her property.

Fat fuckin' chance.

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