Monday, July 17, 2023

are we back to allowing embedded tweets?

Twitter can't seem to make up its mind as to how to treat us non-members. I used to be able to see and embed tweets, then Elon walled off Twitter so that non-member access to tweets was restricted, and now, we seem to be back to allowing embedded tweets again. May as well take advantage of this while it lasts:

So Trump is way ahead among Republicans, but for me, the real news is Vivek rising above DeSantis, et al., as the second-choice candidate. I think he's got a shot at the VP spot, although the poll seems to indicate he's running third but only about 8 percentage points behind Kari Lake. Lake has been making noises about possibly running for the Arizona Senate, though, so she might not even be in contention. Byron Donalds might be a good VP choice; I've liked him when I've heard him talk, but I need to learn more about his platform as a whole.

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