Monday, July 17, 2023

I'll be damned


My COVID test results as of a few minutes ago. Negative. We have to keep in mind that these home tests aren't as sensitive as PCR tests done at clinics, but these results do seem to track with how I'm feeling. So now, it's just a matter of getting my smell and taste back.


  1. Congrats. It's been over a week now anyway, right? I never actually tested again after my quarantine period ended; I think most people just do their quarantine and then go about their business.

  2. Most people aren't curious, I suspect.

  3. Now that you have survived COVID, I'm sure you can see the value and benefit of all those restrictions governments imposed for our protection. Just say you are sorry for doubting the wisdom of our betters and always remember that only "the science" matters.



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