Sunday, July 16, 2023

images (PowerLine)

Well, Ben & Jerry, this is what happens when you open your stupid yap.

McCrarey's down around the level of dumb jokes and puns, but he's also up at self-deprecation.
I'm mostly at the level logical/illogical and scatological humor, but I'll do the self-deprecating thing on occasion.

Where's Leo?

Damn, France. (French math.)

Did you see that story about the lady going nuts on the plane?

Good luck to all you suckers trying Threads.

AOC's such an original thinker.

1 comment:

  1. Ha! Well, it's good to be the foundation in the hierarchy of humor! Or is that the basement?

    I hadn't heard about the woman going nuts on the plane. Tried to see the video and got a "not available in your country" message. Oh, well. Reading about her was enough. Lucky for the other passengers she didn't try to exit during the flight. I don't understand why her leaving the plane caused a three-hour delay. That's a different kind of crazy.



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