Friday, July 19, 2024

2024 walk dates now confirmed

I went to my doctor's appointment today (last week's hospital appointment was purely for testing; we discussed my results today, and I'll write about all of this later). The next appointment was going to be near the end of October, but I asked the nurse to bump the date up to October 15, which is both a Tuesday and my brother Sean's birthday.

After discussing the matter with my boss, we agreed that my walk will start the following day, on October 16. It's a 20-day trek with lots of rest days. Very leisurely. But this means I need to train down to Busan on the 15th, i.e., right after my doctor's appointment, I'll go straight to the train station and bullet-train my big ass down to Busan. The walk will start the next day before dawn. I'm very much looking forward to this.

For more information, see the entry at Kevin's Walk 8.


  1. Just left a comment over on the walk blog. And need to reply to your e-mail (totally understand and thanks for getting back to me quickly, I wish I was as timely in my replies!). Look forward to hearing about the results of all that hospital testing last week. Hopefully, all indicators are positive?

  2. There's been some improvement. Not as much as I'd predicted, but some.



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