Friday, July 19, 2024


Jack Black and his buddy Kyle Gass of the group Tenacious D look a lot like each other these days, and I guess the early articles about Jack Black's tour in Australia, and the remark "Don't miss Trump next time," got misattributed to Black. It was, in fact, Kyle Gass who made the remark, and Jack Black said later he'd been "blindsided" by it. In the short video segment I saw, it wasn't clear whether it was Black or Gass speaking; the captioning said it was Jack Black, and other sources like The Quartering had initially reported it was he. So: my apologies for passing along bad information. This is my official correction, from this source, which has a clear photo of the two—two fat, old guys with big beards. All I had before was the video to go by—blurry and shot at a distance—and it was a clip that showed only the moment when one of them went up to the mike and made the infamous remark.

So I guess Jack's off the hook, technically, but he's buddies with Kyle, not to mention a huge Biden supporter, and I imagine he has Kyle's back, so I'd say he's still at least somewhat guilty by association. The rest of Tenacious D's tour in Australia has been canceled, and some Aussie parliamentarians have called for the group to be deported.

1 comment:

  1. Well, to his credit, Black shows remorse for his disgusting statement rather than doubling down. I'll give him that, but there are still consequences for being stupid in public.



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