Saturday, July 20, 2024

could it be?

I feel as if I might be on the edge of a third bout with COVID, but I just tested myself, and I'm negative. The testing kit comes with two tests, though, so if I'm still symptomatic Monday morning (I have a persistent sore throat right now, which is how the last two bouts began), I'll retest and may have to take the week off. I can conceivably work from home, though.

Where did I get this bug (if "bug" is the word)? My guess is: at the hospital. Ironic.

UPDATE: no more sore throat, mirabile dictu.


  1. Sorry to hear about the symptoms. Hope it's not the dreaded Rona but even if it's just the seasonal flu, there's definitely something going around.

    Hospitals are cesspools of infection. When my mom was in hospital for almost a month three years ago, she ended up catching a antibiotic resistant bacterial infection that never cleared up. And this was at one of the best hospitals in the country.

    Even back home, medical malpractice is apparently the third or fourth leading cause of death.

  2. Superbugs have been an issue for a long time. My mom got MRSA when she was in the ICU after her initial tumor-debulking operation. At first, the staff said she'd merely been "colonized," but this was quickly upgraded (downgraded?) to "infected." I used to work at the national office of an infection-control organization in the late 1990s; we talked a lot about things like MRSA, Helicobacter pylori, Clostridium/Clostridioides difficile, etc. I feel your pain. Yeah, hospitals are petri dishes.

  3. And I guess your point is that nosocomial infection is not ironic. You're probably right.

  4. Shame on the hospital concerned. Go in for a surgery, come out even sicker with something else.

    I've heard c-diff is a nightmare to deal with and why I try to avoid certain/most antibiotics.

    H-pylori is something we should probably get checked for, since it is endemic here. (If you've ever shared a dish of 반찬 or 탕...) Quick course of a couple of antibiotics cleans it up, but left untreated, can cause colon cancer.

  5. I'm guessing no news is good news and you're testing negative?

  6. I'm not symptomatic at the moment. I might retest tomorrow morning before I head off to work, but I'm thinking I really am negative. Maybe it was just a passing thing.



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