Saturday, July 13, 2024

Dave Cullen and "the increasing wokeness of Dr. Who"

If there's any place to explore sexual pluralism, it has to be in science fiction. I've written before about how sci-fi prepared me for a lot of what's happening today, from basic stuff like gay marriage and trans rights on up to bendier, twistier stuff such as "circle marriages" and biologically rooted sexual polymorphism. Especially as humanity masters its own genome more and more, Steve Martin's joke about how eight-penised people will laugh at quaint "old six-penis" will one day become a reality. Right now, it's obvious that people are merely mucking around with language and concepts and not altering chromosomal realities yet (no trans woman is a biological, chromosomal female), but one day, humanity will get there, and there really will be distinctly different sexes. We might engineer ourselves such that it takes three or four people, using radically different sex organs from the current Tab A and Slot B, to conceive a single child, who will itself be born with a radically different set of breeding equipment. In sci-fi, the sky's the limit, so while I understand some of the ranting from the rightie side of the show-critic spectrum (people like Dave Cullen and Nerdrotic and The Critical Drinker), there's a part of my brain that thinks sci-fi is the open field on which to explore marginal notions. It's not all evil child-predation and perversion. That said, Cullen undeniably has a point. The Message—to use the Drinker's parlance—is a soul-sucking reality, and "Dr. Who" is, from what clips I've seen, becoming an insufferable exponent of it.

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