Monday, July 15, 2024

how the left views the right

The presenter is cute, but I have to wonder why all of these conservative-lady YouTubers, politicos, and influencers are almost all white and blonde, leaning hard into that Aryan stereotype. Sure, there are exceptions, like Lauren Chen up in Canuckistan, but they're "thin on the ground," as our friends in the UK would say. That superficial thought aside, the following is an interesting look at what the wild-eyed left thinks of the right:

Okay, maybe dirty blonde in this case.


  1. Candace isn't blonde and more than just cute.

  2. I appreciate the reminder.

    Funny how, even though Candace is black, the left will still call her a white supremacist.

  3. Well, she did marry a white man from across the pond.



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