Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Kevin's Walk 8 is up and running

Don't expect a lot to be there right now, but I created the blog, banner and all, for Kevin's Walk 8, so now, it's just a matter of posting there. Posting will become more intense as we move into the fall, but feel free to check back there now and again for any random thoughts I might put up while I prep for this year's trek.


John Mac said...

I hope you'll throw a link up here when you post there so we don't miss anything...

Kevin Kim said...

If you mean a link to the blog, there's one in the post. If you mean an alert every time I post there, that's up to you and your RSS feed. Your own blogging software undoubtedly has an RSS feed that you can set up yourself, and after setup, you'll be automatically notified every time a new post appears on the walk blog.

John Mac said...

RSS feed? What language is that? Remember, you are talking to the original techno-peasant.

Kevin Kim said...

If you use Google, you can probably look up what to do. Setting up the RSS feed probably won't mean much more than finding the feed, turning it on, then plugging in my walk blog's address. If you're on WordPress, just Google "WordPress blog RSS feed setup," and you ought to get some results. There might even be tutorials on YouTube to help you out. RSS has been around since before blogging; it's how people have stayed current with each other.

Or you could just make a habit of visiting my new blog once a week to catch up. Self-discipline!