Friday, July 05, 2024

Milei, the winner...
while the US left refuses to learn lessons from him

I'm tellin' ya': get the American hemisphere on the same page economically and in terms of values, and we'd be utterly unstoppable. Partner up with Argentina and El Salvador before their administrations change back to something stupid; help Brazil see its way clear to electing another Bolsonaro; convince all the other Latin countries finally to break away from el socialismo... and you'll have a prosperous hemisphere never before seen in human history.

1 comment:

  1. It is nice to see what might be a rightward surge in Europe, but I'm pretty sure the people in power will find a way to thwart the people's will.

    Watching college kids protest in support of Hamas shows just how deep the indoctrination program has gone, and it is apparently working. I am not optimistic about the future.



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