Wednesday, July 17, 2024

my French bro at a concert with his wife

Dom et Véro at a concert in La Rochelle

I went to La Rochelle with Dominique's family in 2018. Nice city. I'd like to go back and stroll someday. There's a lot to see and do and eat.

Dom sent the above photo as part of a brief email exchange we just had. I started off by wishing him a Happy Bastille Day and followed up with an apparently-too-oblique "the world has changed" comment. Dom asked for clarification, and I asked him if he hadn't heard about the assassination attempt on Trump. He said, "Oh, that... but he lived, so not much has changed," so I said I'd just drop the matter since, for us Americans, a lot has obviously changed. I also slipped in that, had a similar attempt been made against Macron, I'd have been profoundly shocked. I'm glad, though, that there are people in the world who feel themselves to be at a remove from big events. It's a good ego check: I don't want to go around shaking my friends and forcing them to think of America as somehow the center of the world. And I certainly don't want them feeling as if life ought to orbit around one plump billionaire. Trump gets my sympathy for the moment, but I still don't like him as a person. So maybe Dom is right: not much has changed. But in terms of US politics, a lot has changed.


  1. Everything I'm reading about what is happening in France after the elections has an end-of-world tone. I'm not there, so I don't know. I imagine it is similar for your bro. I wouldn't expect a Frenchman to be in tune with the undercurrents of the assassination attempt on Trump.

  2. I'm still kind of frustrated by Dom's blasé attitude, but when it comes to Trump, people get stupid. Dom's dad is conservative and more reasonable.



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