Tuesday, July 02, 2024

the other side's opinion

Personally, I find a lot of what this guy says to be delusional crap that comes from being utterly (and maybe willingly) misinformed, but I thought it might be good to present a very dissenting opinion about Donald Trump from, of all people, a military veteran.

You can't talk to people who are this deep into their Trump derangement. I, at least, am willing to acknowledge that Trump is unsavory on a personal level, that he's had a bad history with women ranging from trophy wives to porn stars, that he's often unwilling to admit error, and that he's made certain policy mistakes (Warp Speeding the vaccine, bombing Syria, and now Bitcoin). In the meantime, Trump's enemies, like the guy above, listen to the twisted rumors coming out of the mainstream media and treat them as fact—that Trump called veterans "suckers and losers," that he said there were "very fine people on both sides" during the Charlottesville riots, etc. All lies, as fake as the Clinton-fueled Steele dossier that undergirded the left's whole "Russia collusion" hoax. There are plenty of bad things to be said about Donald Trump, all rooted in reality. There's no need to turn to fantasy, as this veteran has obviously done. I'm disappointed to read the comments below the above video and realize just how many woke veterans are out there. Get your heads out of your asses, guys.

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