Tuesday, July 02, 2024

the warning

The apartment's finally had it with those of us tenants who store some of our stuff outside our actual apartments. For me, the shelf-like space across the hall from my apartment's front door was just too tempting of a spot to leave my bike, and before I ever put it there, I looked around to see whether any other residents had had the same idea. Many had.

But those days are now over.

I just got a warning that, for safety's sake, items in certain spaces will need to be moved by July 7, or else they'll be disposed of. My boss joked that I should take my bike back inside, then put it out again in a few days. The one thing I'm trying to avoid is storing the bike outside in the weather. Since I live in a studio, though, taking the bike back inside is going to make my tiny space even more cramped. But I guess I have no choice. Maybe I can sell the bike off for cheap, and I can throw in a Presta-valve bike pump for free.

I think the bike is sitting on an A/C-compressor housing.
Cardboard on the left is my neighbor's shit. Styrofoam on the right is mine.


John Mac said...

Maybe the boss will let you store it at work...

Kevin Kim said...

My American coworker used to do that; he'd bike to work almost every day, except when it got too snowy.