Wednesday, July 10, 2024

ugh... fasting tomorrow

My appointment at Samsung Hospital is this Friday, July 12. I have even more tests to take than before, so it's going to be a very full day. The extra tests, as far as I can guess, are about my vision and my extremities, i.e., the pernicious effects of diabetes on your eyes, feet, etc. They just wanna see whether there's any reason to gouge anything out or lop anything off. So: starve Thursday, appointments Friday, and eating Friday evening.

UPDATE: I decided to start fasting today (Wednesday). So that'll be two full days of fasting plus Friday morning. My blood sugar ought to be excellent, especially after walking. I'll be walking both tonight and Thursday night. Walking in a fasted state really brings the blood sugar down. No, you don't go hypoglycemic.


  1. Best of luck at Samsung today. Keep us posted.

    Actually have a completely non-blog/walking-related proposal for you today. Nothing indecent. Where was your email address listed on the site again?

  2. Is this Daniel? The comment reads as "Anonymous," so if that was you leaving a comment the other day, I'm sorry, but I deleted it and issued a public warning about anonymous comments. I made an exception today on the off chance that you don't realize your name is no longer appearing with your comments. If you can't figure out how to restore your name (a lot of people complain that Blogger's features are wonky; you wouldn't be the first), you can, from now on, simply sign your name at the bottom of your comment in the comment-text field. I'll see "Unknown" or "Anonymous" as the signature, but when I expand your comment in the blogger-admin space (before I publish it), I'll see your name at the end of the comment. I have other people who do that.

    Per my policy (see above this comment window), I don't normally allow anonymous comments, even from the nice commenters.

    Again, I assume this is Daniel.

    My email address is on my sidebar, not far from the top. Just scroll down a bit.

  3. That was me, by the way. Not sure how I was suddenly made anonymous!



All comments are subject to approval before they are published, so they will not appear immediately. Comments should be civil, relevant, and substantive. Anonymous comments are not allowed and will be unceremoniously deleted. For more on my comments policy, please see this entry on my other blog.

AND A NEW RULE (per this post): comments critical of Trump's lying must include criticism of Biden's lying on a one-for-one basis! Failure to be balanced means your comment will not be published.