Thursday, July 11, 2024

when leftie partisan Chuck Todd loses faith in you...


Chuck Todd Spills the Beans About Biden: He's a Bad Man

The media wants Biden out, and if Chuck Todd's podcast is any indication, they are less afraid to go nuclear on Biden than his Democrat colleagues in Congress.

Todd isn't holding back—at least not that much. No doubt he can take it up a notch or three, but this shot didn't go across the bow—it hit the bow of Biden's boat.

Anybody with a brain has known that Biden is not the kind, decent, compassionate and honest person we keep being told he is. "Scranton Joe" has always been a media creation, and Todd is making it clear that the Scranton Joe image can be removed at a moment's notice if the media chooses to do so.

Just as we have seen massive data dumps about Biden's decline, with White House officials, donors, journalists, and opinion writers now leaking stories about how Biden has been declining for years, we soon could be treated to stories about how Biden really is an influence-peddling pedo who treats people badly and cares about nobody but himself.

As Todd put it, "The entire narrative on Joe Biden is gonna change, in that everything’s always been about his ambition and his ambition comes first.”

BOOM. As I said, shot into the bow and a threat to target the ammunition magazine next.

The stories about the decline are already devastating—and totally contradict the narrative we were fed until 2 weeks ago. People trying to displace Biden have signaled a willingness to turn on a dime in an attempt to save their political party.

The right has been saying all of this for years, so the only people acting shocked are lefties who've either had their heads up their asses this whole time or lefties who are now merely pretending to be surprised. (I suspect it's more the latter, but there's no accounting for congenital stupidity.) Doublethink—the Orwellian notion that, in a repressive society, you have to hold two contradictory ideas in your head at the same time in order to survive—is alive and well on the left. It's entirely possible, then, that lefties have been both aware and willfully unaware of Biden's mental decline and true character.

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