Friday, July 12, 2024

while I was occupied

My boss told me about this when I got back from the hospital.


MELTDOWN: Biden Doesn't Know Who's President, Can't Read His List, and KJP Tries to Shut the Presser Down

Joe Biden's "big boy" press conference is in the books, and it did not go well. 

As RedState reported, the president showed up with a pre-selected list of reporters to call on, a fact that he announced before taking questions. During the first question, the president then called Donald Trump his vice president, confusing his political opponent with Kamala Harris. From there, he's been rambling and filibustering, attempting to burn enough time so his staff can claim he held his own. 

The truth is, this was a disaster. 

Yes, that's the President of the United States having no idea who the President of the United States is. Who exactly is he referring to? Jill Biden? Hunter Biden? A cabal of handlers? Whose advice is he following? Jill Biden may be the answer.

That was part of a rambling answer in which Biden was trying to explain why his need to go to bed earlier is not a sign of his ongoing mental and physical decline. He was attempting to throw his staff under the bus, claiming they added things to his schedule. Putting aside that he's the president, he then claims his wife is angry because he's doing so much. Does that sound like someone who should be president? Someone who isn't even in control of his own administration and can't handle a tough schedule because his wife will get mad? When pressed on his mental capabilities, Biden was defiant, proclaiming that there is "no indication" that he's slowing down and can't get the job done. He then fumbled with his pre-selected list of reporters, unable to read it for several seconds.

Go read and watch the rest of this shit-show. To think there are people who will see this and still vote for the vegetable. Incredible, the times we live in.

ADDENDUM: Vince Dao comments on this newest Biden crash-and-burn:

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