Tuesday, July 09, 2024

will the Jews have to make another exodus?

La France n'est plus un pays d'accueil pour les Juifs. Le moment est venu de partir, d'effectuer un deuxième exode. Et c'est dommage.


Prominent French Jews Urge Fellow Jews To Leave Following Left Dominating Elections

After elections in France in which centrist and leftist parties united to oppose Marine Le Pen’s right wing party, resulting in the New Popular Front, whose coalition includes the anti-Semitic France Unbowed [La France Insoumise, literally "France Unsubmitting" or "Unruly France"] far-left party, winning the highest share of the vote, prominent French Jews urged Jews in France to leave.

France Unbowed party’s leader Jean-Luc Melenchon dismissed the surge in anti-Semitic rallies after October 7. Last month he referred to the “war propaganda” of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, adding, “Netanyahu has made Israel the pariah of the Nations in public opinion.” He has refused to condemn the terrorist group Hamas.

Rabbi Moshe Sebbag from the Synagogue de la Victoire told The Times of Israel, “it seems France has no future for Jews,” adding that anti-Semitism in France has been mainstreamed.

“The left is once again kidnapped by the infamous Melenchon. Divisive language. Hate of the republic on the lips. Around him right now are some incarnations of the new antisemitism. A chilling moment. A stain: Continue to fight against these people,” philosopher Bernard-Henri Lévy declared on X.

“Melenchon’s victory is a terrible signal of impunity sent to the anti-Jewish Islamo-Fascists,” journalist Yohann Taieb echoed.

According to data compiled from the French interior ministry and a French-Jewish security watchdog, anti-Semitic acts in France nearly quadrupled in 2023 from 2022, France 24 reported. In the three months following October 7, anti-Semitic incidents “equaled that of the previous three years combined,” the report stated.

If the situation is like in the US, where Jews are for the most part suicidal—constantly voting Democrat despite the Democrats' obvious and increasing hatred of Jews while the left-leaning Muslim lobby continues to grow—the Jews in France will remain where they are and try to "make do." I don't see this ending well, and I'll check back in a few years.

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