Wednesday, July 17, 2024

yellow supremacy!

Just to reassure all of my white readers: success at the SAT might correlate, somewhat, with one's IQ, but it has no relationship to success in one's life. One of my brothers is a college dropout, but by materialistic standards, he's the most successful of us three brothers, having worked long at his company and attained a managerial position where he engages in very creative, hands-on, interpersonal work—the kind of stuff he's good at—making videos, editing them, adding sound and graphics, etc. He's really good at what he does, and I don't begrudge him any of it. He deserves his success, which includes a nice, high salary. My other brother is a professional musician, and he, too, has attained a high level of success. He works hard, doing performance as a part of many different orchestras ranging from local to national; he travels the world to give concerts; he's worked with plenty of famous musicians, both classical and not; and he teaches privately as well. Of the three brothers, I did the best on my SATs and have the most academic education, but I was saddled by a huge scholastic debt for twenty years, and I still live in a shoebox of a studio despite now having plenty of cash in the bank. True, some of that is by choice: I'm fairly frugal in most areas of my life and have no desire to fill my dwelling with massive sound systems or gamer-scale computers with multiple, desk-spanning screens. I'm probably going to move into a slightly bigger space than where I am to accommodate my mild obsession with cooking, but I'm otherwise fine. My point is that, despite having the most education and the highest SAT scores, I'm a good example of how those things don't correlate to the greatest success in life. So, white folks—don't despair upon reading the above tweet! There is hope for you yet! Rejoice and be glad! Ha ha.

1 comment:

  1. "Mild obsession with cooking," you say? That gave me a chuckle. You are the biggest foodie I know (John Kim is a close second). I'm always impressed with your kitchen work and admire your creativity and dedication.

    Anyway, book smart and real-world talents are two different animals. I respect academic success, but work experience was the most important factor I considered when I was a hiring official.



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