Saturday, August 17, 2024

2 bros, 1 boss

Both of my brothers have spoken admiringly about how my boss has handled my situation. He was apparently all over the place, keeping people on all fronts informed, and helping them to coordinate with each other. It's been a busy week for him. 

I hadn't expected the boss to show up on Friday, but he did, right along with my two brothers. David finally came to see me in the evening; he's more or less settled in to his Airbnb but looking tired from all the sudden travel. I discovered he'd moved out West two years ago; the bastard could've said something. I'd certainly sent him enough emails. Grumbling aside, it was good to see him. 

I'll be receiving visits over the weekend from the brothers and maybe Jeff. Over the coming week or so, there may be other visits from other people. We'll see.


  1. You are lucky to be surrounded by people who love you when you need them most.

    Is there a target date for you to be released from Samsung?

  2. I'm to be released this coming Monday, late morning, between 10 and 11:30. Sean is working on getting me a large, comfortable Uber to ride down the street in—me, my supplies, and however many people will be there to help me.



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