Friday, August 02, 2024

am I a prophet or what?

I've said over and over for years that I'm fine with trans folks living their best lives as long as they're not hurting kids or anyone else. My one moral issue, though, has to do with competitive sports, especially combat sports like boxing and MMA. My go-to example is always that of the man attacking a woman on the street, breaking the bones of her face with a closed fist, and how we all decry that while some of us seem to cheer a similar thing happening in the ring or the octagon: a biological male beating the shit out of a woman simply because he says he's a woman. If it's morally wrong on the streets, it's morally wrong in the arena.

And lo and behold—videos that illustrate my point, straight from the 2024 Paris Olympics!

In this next video, the presenter is less tolerant of trans people than I am:

The defeated female boxer, Italian Angelina Carini, claimed—after being hit twice in the face by her biologically male opponent, Algerian Imane Khelif—that she'd never been hit that hard in her life, which is why she decided on her own to stop the fight. This is an eerie parallel to what natural woman (PC term: cis-woman) Tamikka Brents said in 2014 when she fought trans woman Fallon Fox in the MMA octagon: Brents said she'd never felt so overpowered in her life. Ladies, this is what it's like when men don't hold back. Cue all the cruel jokes about how men are better at everything, including being women.

For what it's worth, I issued my caution about all this back in 2018. I joke that I'm a prophet, but in truth, anyone with half a brain could have seen this coming. Feminists, protect women! Stop the invasion of men into your competitive spaces!

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