Wednesday, August 07, 2024

"cured the economy"

How stupid can this man get?


Biden's Words from 6 Days Ago Come Back to Haunt Him as Economic Disaster Strikes

Sometimes events prove overwhelming, and otherwise capable presidents suffer unfairly at the hands of posterity.

At other times, however, a lying swindler of a politician finds himself on the precipice of well-deserved infamy.

For those watching in trepidation as global markets have plummeted on Monday, President Joe Biden’s comments on the state of the economy as recently as six days ago should serve as a reminder that the calamitous 46th president belongs in [the] latter category.

According to the New York Post, Biden spoke with reporters around 1:30 a.m. last Tuesday following a trip to Texas.

When asked by a reporter how he wanted young people to remember his legacy, the president made a comment too dim-witted or dishonest to believe from nearly any other politician.

“That I’ve cured the economy and the environment and a few other small things,” he said.

So he “cured the economy,” did he?

On Monday morning, according to Fox Business, U.S. stocks plunged amid fears of recession.

Bill Adams, chief economist at the Dallas-based Comerica Bank, attributed the sell-off to poor employment numbers.

“The July jobs report is being viewed as a recession warning, and the markets are responding accordingly,” Adams said.

Meanwhile, a clip of Biden making his “cured the economy” pronouncement began circulating on the social media platform X.

“Well this aged like spoiled milk,” one X user wrote.

Nancy Pelosi, meanwhile, thinks Biden belongs on Mount Rushmore.

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