Friday, August 09, 2024

improvement continues

Tonight's 5K walk around the park went like this:

1. Front of my building to the park, then 1 lap, stopping at the park's entrance to mark the time: 11:03 p.m. Six-minute break because I was feeling some pressure in the chest.

2. From my resting spot near the park's entrance: 2.25 laps before resting again! Another six-minute break.

3. Finishing everything off: the final 1.75 laps for a total of 5 laps, stopping at the park entrance and checking the time: 12:18 a.m., or 75 minutes to do 4.8 km. Take away twelve minutes for my two rest breaks, and that's 63 minutes to walk 4.8 km. 4.8 ÷ (63/60) = 4.57 kph. Not bad for a guy with heart failure.

I normally reserve my Saturdays for more ambitious walks, but I'm not ready for those yet. The goal is to get to a point where I can do at least 5K without stopping. So for now, the next step is to start shaving down the time I rest. We're starting at 6 minutes; next week, it'll be 5, then maybe 3, then 2, then 1... and after that, I ought to be able to walk 5K without stopping. It'll be early September by that point. Once I can do 5K with no breaks, I'll go back to my 9K route, do that for a week or two, then go back to doing 20-35K walks. By then, it'll be late September or early October, just in time for my hospital appointment and long walk, which will be three weeks of walking long distances roughly every other day (given that many segments of the walk will be over 30K).

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