Thursday, August 08, 2024

mea culpa about Tim Walz

I was apparently way too fair in my description of Tim Walz, Kamala Harris's new VP pick. Stuff is coming out about him in a torrent right now, and it's hard to keep up. As governor of Minnesota, he let the state burn during the riots; as a veteran, he dropped out of the military right before he could have been shipped to Iraq, prompting accusations of "stolen valor" from JD Vance (who, according to his book Hillbilly Elegy, served as a Marine in Iraq, but not in a combat capacity: Vance was a PR staffer, so unless he's written about combat somewhere else, he may not be the best person to be accusing Walz of anything); as a leftist, Walz has shown himself to be quite radical, possibly even to the left of Kamala herself. I'll be posting about all of this as a long-running mea culpa for my initial assessment of Walz, which was largely based on the Wikipedia entry about him. Why not to use Wikipedia: its leftist bias is always worst when it describes politicians.

ADDENDUM: some Instapundit commenters are putting forth the theory that Walz is so lame—lame enough to match Kamala's own lameness—that this is a sign the Dems have realized they've already lost 2024 and are prepping for 2028. Interesting theory.

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