Monday, August 19, 2024

morbidly curious

I've seen dire predictions that the Democrat National Convention, which starts on the 19th, will be a shit-show of violence like or worse than the infamous Chicago DNC of 1968. I'm happy to be far, far away from that nonsense right now. The reason for the dire predictions stems from the central irony of the Democrats' current stance, which is that they're trying to save democracy, but they will do so using undemocratic means, i.e., destroy the thing to save it. Kamala Harris has the delegates to be the Dem frontrunner, but this is all thanks to nakedly desperate, back-door maneuvering that has nothing to do with the will of the people. The people know this, and even on the Dem side, many of them aren't stupid.

The larger question is, of course, just how much stupidity and inefficiency the people are willing to tolerate, and if 9/11 and COVID have taught us anything, the sad answer is quite a lot. We will sacrifice freedoms and responsibilities if it means safety and security, and in this, Americans are no different from anyone else. 

I will watch this latest DNC with morbid curiosity.

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