Wednesday, August 07, 2024

progress with walking

I'm about to hit the sack, but one last note: Tuesday night, I did my five laps around the park, and without having to push myself overly, I managed to do the 4th and 5th laps together, without stopping, and at a fairly normal rate of speed (12 minutes per lap, which is almost 5 kph—and that despite the summer heat and humidity!). I now know I can do at least 2 km straight without a break, but I'll need to repeat that feat to be sure. I also used my cell-phone timer to give myself only six minutes' rest between laps. End result of all this: I did 5K in 1.5 hours instead of 2 hours. It's good to put numbers to these things so I can see my progress. If the progress continues like this, I ought to be able to do 5K without stopping in a few weeks, at which point I'll switch back to walking out to the Han River, following my original 9K route. I'll take a decent break at the halfway point, breaking the walk up into roughly 4.5K sections. Unlike my local park, the 9K route doesn't have nearly as many places to sit down, so it may be a matter of picking my battles carefully. 

But I'm getting ahead of myself. Expect more progress reports.

1 comment:

  1. Keep fighting, Kevin! You are building the foundation for a healthier future, and given the alternative, that's the only way to go. Glad you are making progress. You'll get there!



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