Saturday, August 03, 2024

remember "White Guys for Harris"?

Did you know there was recently a "Blacks Against Harris" Zoom event?

Get the story here. Meanwhile, an excerpt:

This week, a large Zoom event called ‘Blacks Against Harris’ took place and was attended by thousands of people, but the media ignored it. Apparently, ‘White Dudes for Harris’ and ‘White Women for Harris’ are fine, but ‘Blacks Against Harris’ is unacceptable. 

Why do you suppose that is? If Democrats and their media allies want to live in this divisive world of identity politics, they should not be allowed to pick and choose which groups deserve attention and praise. 

[ ... ] 

[The] Blacks Against Harris Zoom call was successful[,] with over 72,000 attendees in total. The difference between us and Democrats is that we uploaded the full video instead of selected clips with celebrities like White Guys For Harris did. 

A few of the notable speakers that stopped by included: Billy Todd, Rob Smith, Lavern Spicer, Issah Washington Malachai Maxey, Derrick Gibson, Ron Milner, R.C. Maxwell, Jasmine Woodson, Sandra Prosper, Dom Lucre, and many more influential and concerned Black Americans.

The media door only ever swings one way. Get your coverage elsewhere.

As for the "should not be allowed" remark, I would say that the media are free to gaslight as they please. It's up to us, the media consumers, to wake up, shop carefully, and make ourselves aware of where to find proper scraps of the truth. What the media should never do, but they do it all the time, is censor and deplatform other voices. In a society supposedly based on values like the free and open exchange of ideas and information, censorship and deplatforming are right out.

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