Monday, August 05, 2024

the pole vaulter and his scandalous package

I can credit my buddy Mike with breaking this story to me:

French Olympic pole vaulter Anthony Ammirati was supposedly disqualified after the bulge in his pants proved too huge when he tried to pass over the pole-vault crossbar. Slow-motion video of the event seems to show Ammirati's prodigious tackle knocking the bar off its mountings. But this online article from People Magazine argues that Ammirati actually knocked the bar off "with another appendage." My guess would have been "his second penis and scrotum," but the truth turned out to be more prosaic. As People says:

During the jump, Ammirati tries to clear the bar but first hits it with his shins and then his knees. It's already a failed jump, but to add injury (presumably) to insult, Ammirati knocks the bar off fully after he hits it with his crotch.

That jump, though, was not the reason Ammirati won't be competing in the pole vault final on Monday. In pole vault, each athlete gets attempts to make increasingly higher jumps, starting at 5.40 meters. Ammirati made the first two heights — at 5.40 and 5.60 — but in his three attempts at making the next height, 5.70 meters, he was unsuccessful. Nine other men hit the mark and qualified for the final.

So, truly: His bulge was not the cause of his botched Olympic run.

Move along. Nothing to see here. But that video is kinda funny.

In the blockquote, does anyone see the hyphenation error for a phrasal adjective?

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