Monday, August 19, 2024

Walz's dicey relationship with the truth

And so it continues, the revelations about Tim Walz's ersatz past.


Tim Walz can’t tell the truth about his own life

With President Joe Biden off the ticket, Democrats decided to replace his fabricated personal history with that of Gov. Tim Walz (D-MN).

Walz has peddled a false history of himself to propel his political career, chiefly concerning his military service. For years, Walz lied, either intentionally or by refusing to correct the record, about where he served, the rank he retired with, and whether he saw combat. That included not correcting the record when he was introduced as having served in Afghanistan (he didn’t) or when Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi praised his service “on the battlefield” despite Walz’s only deployments being to Italy and Norway.

Painful. Makes Trump’s personnel picks look brilliant.

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