Saturday, September 21, 2024


As I peer into my narrowing future, it seems that even a small-scale celebration like yesterday's Subway run might be a mistake. I woke up today with some serious neuropathy in my feet—something in the neighborhood of a flaring, itching, burning sensation. I hadn't felt that in a while, but it's a sure sign that I need to severely limit my indulgences.

It took me a while to drag my sorry ass out of bed, then I got a call from my buddy Tom, who had called to wish me a happy First Day of Kevin Weather day (Kevin weather = cooler weather; Tom loves the heat and humidity of Korean summer and the Philippines, so we're always ragging each other about our respective preferences). Daytime temps are down today (it's late September; fall is finally on the way), so I might head out for a walk much earlier than expected. (I'm fasting today, both because Saturday is already supposed to be fasting day, and because I need to purge my system of yesterday's cursèd impurities.) After that, I have to do some evening shopping to prepare food for the coming weeks. Tomorrow, too, is a fasting day, but I'll be doing a lot of cooking then—making more keto gnocchi, boeuf bourguignon (with smoked duck instead of bacon as an experiment), pesto, sausage, and caprese. I need to buy a ton more heavy cream for some of the dishes I'll be making; my own building's grocery seems to be out, just as it's currently out of Western leafy greens like basil, cilantro, parsley, etc.

So wish me luck: I need to do penance for a lazy morning and early afternoon.

1 comment:

  1. Proof that, at least in your case, you truly are what you eat!



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