Tuesday, September 24, 2024


One comma's where it's supposed to be; the other needs to be moved. Which comma? Moved where?

Where does the comma go?



"Modern day of Marxism"? You mean "modern-day Marxism," yes? With a hyphen?

I'm just pleased this guy seems to be a good writer.

Our passivity is what lets the monsters in.

She looks as though she needs the support.

New jobs = (1) jobs that are back after COVID; (2) side jobs worked to stay afloat in a bad economy

America owes everything to England. It's sad to see things going this way. And the blight is on our shores, too.

Nah, that's an exaggeration!

Some periods might be nice, but Oh Well.

The swamp is vast and cannot be drained.

What's wrong with the phrases "civil rights leader" and "talk show host"?

Joe Normal!

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