Wednesday, September 18, 2024


With one little change...

Who's reassuring whom?

"to do anything"

No comma after "gates." It's a compound predicate, not a compound sentence.

Don't capitalize the common noun "empire."

The same FBI now "investigating" the second assassination attempt.

What's wrong with the grammar of the question? Anyone?

Remember this incident? Eventful year.

The truth hurts.

Why you holding what looks like an AK, Mr. Patriotic American?
Better be because you plucked it off a dead commie.


  1. As a child of god, what's your next move?

    It's not a surprise that Grammarly sees no issues. If I were writing that sentence, I'd capitalize "God" and say "what is." I don't think "what's" is wrong; I just like it written out for some unknown reason.

  2. "As a child of God" is a modifier, so the subject of the main clause needs to be "you," not "what."

    As a child of God, you'll do what next?

  3. Geez, I wasn't even close. No surprise.



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