Friday, September 20, 2024

plowing through it all

I've gotten through all my tests, so all that's left are my two consultations. It's not even 9 a.m. as I begin to write this entry; my first consult (diabetes) is at 10:10 a.m.; my second one (cardiac) is at 11:50.

There are a couple questions I need to ask the docs: (1) Do I have any other blockages around my heart? (2) Is the pain in my leg from a blood clot?

The pain in my leg started up almost two weeks ago, when David was still here. It's a pain that pops up when I'm sleeping. As far as I could tell, the pain could be related to my time in the hospital, or it might not. David, however, suggested it might be a blood clot, and in looking up blood-clot symptoms, I saw that sensitivity/tenderness is one possible sign of a blood clot. The pain feels like a burning sensation and is severe, almost debilitating. It goes away when I stand up and walk around. Usually, with blood clots, there are visible signs, too, like redness and swelling, but my leg looks fine. So I have no idea what's up. Hence the need to ask. 

All I do for the moment is wait. I've given my blood samples (the number of collection vials seems to increase with every visit: today, I counted five); I gave a urine sample; I went and got an ECG; then I went down to the diabetes center early, got my "get in line" ticket, then measured my height and my blood pressure (a rather low 109/57, lower than when I took my BP early this morning).

I might wander over to the concession stand to get something to eat and/or drink. It's been raining, so it's not too hot today, but I'm nevertheless feeling the first traces of faintness. 

So—I'll have my two consults, after which I'll pay for today's tests and advice, then I'll wander downhill to Bluebird Pharmacy to pick up my meds (another hit to the wallet, but way cheaper than in the States). I might reward myself with sandwiches from Subway, but there'll be no sugary sodas or Snickers candies. I can't risk a re-buildup of fat that leads to another blockage and more angina. This is my new normal.

9:13. Another hour at least. 

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