Thursday, March 13, 2025

England is surreal

If you think surreal, absurdist humor is funny, wait'll you see a real-life example of it. The word "penis" gets mentioned a few times. And to be clear: what you see below is just one example among many of a certain recurrent theme.

That tweet's final sentence could use some work. As could the Orwellian police state.

The above tweet was found in the comments thread to this post. The commenter who uploaded that tweet wrote:

Europe is in a lot more trouble than anyone here may know. If this is an example of [the] Freedom and Democracy that we demand of other countries[,] we are in deep shit.

Meanwhile, Europeans will keep whistling past the graveyard ("What are you talking about? There's no problem! I haven't seen a single problem!") as they continue to hack away at the roots of their own civilization through bad immigration policy, repression of free speech, intrusive police-state cameras and governments, undemocratic repression of local election results (watch Michael Heaver on YouTube), refusal to defend their national borders and sovereignty, transnational progressivism (maybe that's something of a dated term these days), economic over-regulation, etc. Remember when George Carlin used to joke with a weird sort of avid cynicism about how American culture was "circling the drain"? Probably true, but it ain't just American culture: it's pretty much the whole West, gone PC/woke and calling itself evil. Maybe that's why immigrants love moving to the West. The rampant evil.


  1. I have a Brit friend who is insanely anti-Trump and is constantly railing about all the lefty talking points (banning books, curtailing free speech, unfair to immigrants, etc). I'm like, dude, the UK is WAY ahead of the USA in all those categories. I haven't been arrested for a Facebook post here. Yet.

    1. I have to wonder what "unfair to immigrants" means. From my point of view, it's perfectly fair to deport foreign criminals, especially "the worst of the worst" according to Tom Homan. Before Trump, and from the Biden admin's perspective, I'd say the US was "more than fair" to immigrants in terms of letting them come into the country, vote without proper ID, avoid paying taxes, etc. By that twisted, left-liberal logic, the current policy is "unfair to immigrants." If you counter that the UK is being similarly unfair, only more so, are you praising the country for also deporting people en masse, or are you criticizing them for harboring and coddling them? A lot depends on the meaning of "unfair to immigrants."



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