Saturday, March 15, 2025

images: Ides of March edition


They can't stop talking about him.

still a bitch-boy

You'll have to ask the pervs.

That's that GOP wingnut Murkowski, isn't it? Oh, Alaska.

"Let's paint some happy, little bits of sobriety on her face."

Or every American has just 0.2 backup guns.

Whatever else the man might be, he's a litmus test of character.

Oh, no! Not that!

This feels like that "Never trust what's said on the internet" Abraham Lincoln meme.

I hope he didn't leave any part of himself in the ice.

My God—even conservatives joke about the price of eggs! We'll get through this, guys.

Say you're old without saying you're old.

Did you see what I saw?

Not so great from the side, either.

Fix everything that absolutely needs fixing. But not "cuz."

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