Saturday, March 15, 2025


I almost ordered medical equipment to be sent to my buddy Mike's house. Luckily, halfway through the ordering process, I did what I should've done before even ordering: I checked whether things like insulin pens and blood-sugar-monitor lancets can be taken on board planes despite being sharp objects. Turns out they can. So I canceled my order and saved myself $80. I'll just bring along my own equipment—probably not insulin pens, but my BP cuff/monitor, my pulse-ox monitor, and my blood-sugar monitor (with test strips and lancets). It goes without saying that I'll have my pills with me, too, but the pills, at least, aren't sharp objects. If I need anything more while I'm in the States, I can drive over to a Walgreens, CVS, Walmart, Target, or whatever's nearby. I haven't been to the States since before the pandemic. Will I remember the roads?

Blood sugar this morning was 81.

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