Saturday, November 11, 2017

et tu, Louis?

The sexual-harassment scandal unearths another abuser: much-beloved comedian Louis CK, who has fully admitted to his misdeeds. Color me disappointed.


  1. I wonder why everyone is talking about Louis CK, whose transgressions were rather minor, but not George Soros financier Howard Rubin, who was recently accused of raping and electrocuting women in his private sex dungeon?

    Must just be an accidental oversight of some sort.

  2. I haven't seen the news on Rubin, but at a guess, he hasn't confessed and apologized the way CK has, which makes him not quite as easy to pick on, so to speak. CK, meanwhile, is a comic icon these days, so people easily develop a prurient/morbid interest in his downfall. Here's hoping the news about Rubin gets out there.

  3. I did, however, just see that George Takei and Richard Dreyfuss now both stand accused.

  4. I think you slightly overestimated his popularity. He was more niche-oriented than say the likes of Tim Allen who overcame his drug incarceration only to lose his long-running TV show, "Last Man Standing," due to his coming out of the Hollywood closet as a Republican. The loss of Allen's show is really sad, as it was one of the few you could actually watch as a family, and it was one of the few with an alternative viewpoint to the mostly liberal drivel coming out of Hollywood.

    But definitely some small kudos to Louis CK for owning up to his past and not lawyering up and blaming the victims like some really horrible men, namely Bill Cosby, Harvey W., and Roman Polanski.



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