Tuesday, November 21, 2017


I went shopping for Thanksgiving ingredients last night, but was unsuccessful in finding legit turkey (admittedly, I didn't look very hard). At High Street Market, I found patties of ground turkey that I plan to flatten out and turn into a roulade filled with some sort of mushroom-and-nut-and-spinach-and-maybe-cheese stuffing wrapped in bacon like a porchetta. I asked the High Street cashier about where I could find actual turkey turkey, and she said that High Street was indeed selling whole turkeys... but not until the next day. Another employee came up and gave me an order form to order a full-on Thanksgiving meal, but when I got home, I saw the form said it would take at least a week to prep any order, which pretty much made the notion of ordering turkey by Thursday useless and irrelevant.

So I'm going to stick with my porchetta-style turkey roulade for this Thursday's meal, along with making stuffing and a slew of other dishes. We'll see how it goes.

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