Tuesday, June 25, 2019

selective outrage

Seen at Patriot Post:

Obama and the Dems were pro-border-security until Trump came along. Obama had "concentration camps" for illegal aliens as well, but there was no outrage—nor any Nazi comparisons—back then. Why? Because you don't mess with the Messiah. Then along comes Cheeto Hitler, and suddenly black is white, up is down...

MORE: 'Morally Bankrupt:' Joe Biden Blames Trump for Obama Immigration Policies. Good Christ. Biden was Obama's VP, and he doesn't remember Obama's own policies? I hope Creepy Uncle Joe does become the Dem nominee. Neurotic fact-checkers who always go after Trump ought to have a field day with Biden... assuming they're honest and fair, of course, which we can't assume.

1 comment:

  1. It's good to be so far away from this madness, but even from here the ignorance is astounding. I had thought Biden might actually be moderate enough to credibly challenge Trump, but his hypocrisy will likely be his undoing...



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