Wednesday, July 01, 2020

preach it, Senator Tim!

From Instapundit, quoting black Republican Senator Tim Scott:

“We’re coming [in] after to fix their problems and that’s what the party, the Republican Party, has been doing for decades: fixing the challenges brought to people in liberal cities by liberal politicians,” Scott argued.
I normally wouldn't highlight Tim Scott's race, but there's been a lot of news, lately, surrounding Scott's police-reform proposals (click the above link for more) and Democrats' vociferous objections to them. Like it or not, this plays into a racist-left narrative that has been simmering for some time, now. You might counter that, in Tim Scott's case, people are reading racism into a situation where no racism exists, to which I respond, what the fuck do you think THE LEFT has been doing this entire time? Agreed: it's an utterly stupid, useless rabbit hole to go down, this question of "you're rejecting his proposals simply because he's black." But you have to hold leftists up to their own leprous standards and counter them the way they counter you. To stop a forest fire, you often need to set up a backfire.

1 comment:

John Mac said...

Wouldn't it be hilarious if Trump named Scott as his running mate this year? Lefty heads would explode and we'd hear words like "token" and "Uncle Tom" ad nauseam.