Monday, January 04, 2021

"Cyberpunk 2077" parody

I've been sort-of following the disastrous rollout of the Cyberpunk 2077 game, which is apparently very, very glitchy—so glitchy that gamers are saying it's no better than a beta-test version.  Ouch.  Lots of gamers are angry after having watched marvelous video clips of the gameplay, which led them to preorder the game in droves.  Result:  crushing disappointment followed by a tidal wave of fury.  Too bad, really, because Keanu Reeves did his part to help market the game, and he even appears as a robot-armed character within it.  (All the "You're breathtaking!" memes out there right now are thanks to Keanu.  Poor, sad Keanu.)

What follows is a cruel parody by YouTube cartoon channel Flashgitz (which I love as much as Meat Canyon), in which desperate-but-amoral Polish executives frantically discuss what to do about the disastrous rollout.  I can't decide whether the bear in the conference room is supposed to represent a Russian staffer.

Jeremy Jahns does his best to review the game charitably:

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