Thursday, March 24, 2022

quiz results

One thing I've seen suggested at the r/Homeschool sub on Reddit is to take a homeschooling-styles quiz to see what your educational preferences are. Here are my results from one quiz; I'm not even sure what most of them mean, but I'll be digging into these when I have time:

Score for Charlotte Mason: 14
Score for Classical Education: 15
Score for Montessori Education: 14
Score for Project-Based Learning: 20
Score for Reggio-Inspired: 21
Score for Thomas Jefferson Education: 18
Score for Traditional Education: 5
Score for Unit Studies Approach: 8
Score for Unschooling Approach: 13
Score for Waldorf Education: 13 

The highest possible score is 25, and the lowest possible score is -25.

So my top five were: (1) Reggio-inspired (whatever that is); (2) Project-based Learning (which sounds plausible, given my own biases; (3) Thomas Jefferson Education (sounds eclectic); (4) Classical Education (had to be in there somewhere); (5a) Charlotte Mason (don't know what that is); and (5b) Montessori Education (which doesn't sound like me at all).

Lots to look up. I'll get back to you soon.

ADDENDUM: ah. Explanations for some philosophies can be found here.

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