Sunday, February 19, 2023


My grocery-store take on caprese:

This was a way to use up some leftover tomatoes. The ham is from John Cook Deli Meats—it's a French cut of ham that's perfect for things like a jambon-beurre sandwich. Basil is fresh from SSG Food Market; the mozzarella (BelGioioso—a Wisconsin brand!) comes from the downstairs grocery in my building. I sprinkled on some powdered garlic and dried oregano, then added a drizzle of olive oil plus some old balsamic vinegar, which I had to strain first because it was down to the gritty stuff in the bottle (maybe similar to the apple-cider vinegar's so-called "mother"?). Result: not very pretty-looking, but quite tasty. Caprese is a refreshing salad; you just have to be okay with the strong taste of basil. I am.

1 comment:

  1. It looks great to me. I guess I love the smell of basil in the morning!



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