Tuesday, February 14, 2023

mass shooting at Michigan State University campus

Four people are reported dead, including the shooter, after a mass shooting at the campus of Michigan State University ended with the shooter turning his gun on himself as police approached. Another five people have been hospitalized. The shooter was described as a black male of short stature. A Wikipedia entry about the event already exists, and it somehow notes the shooter was 43 years old without divulging his name. Cynical conservatives are bitterly noting that this shooting will quickly fade from mainstream media because it fails to dovetail with The Narrative, i.e., the untruth that mass shootings are often racist expressions of white supremacy. Given that the Memphis beating death of Tyre Nichols, perpetrated by five black cops, was somehow called an act of white supremacy by the insane left, I wouldn't be so sure. For all I know, this could be another chance to explore "white fragility" or whatever.

And as the proverb says, the police were indeed minutes away, in this case, when seconds counted. Killers love gun-free zones.

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