Thursday, July 11, 2024

blood-sugar arc

My doctor's appointment is tomorrow. Here's how my blood sugar's been looking since this past Sunday:

Sunday afternoon, 7/7: 91 (after fasting + the walk to Hanam City)
Monday morning, 7/8: 111
Tuesday morning, 7/9: 100
Wednesday morning, 7/10: 115
Thursday morning (today), 7/11: 89 (after fasting all day yesterday + 9K walk last night)

Almost like a weird, little bell curve. All in all, not bad, and I'll see whether I can beat 89 tomorrow morning before I leave for the hospital. Today's blood pressure was also low: 108/66, which my machine insanely claims is in the green zone. I can say this: the combination of meds, fasting, and doing long walks while fasting can significantly lower your BP and BS. So to get healthy, all I need to do is starve to death!

One more day of fasting (hospital requirement: at least 9 hours' fasting before appointment). Hang in there, big boy... just another 24 hours.


  1. Did I miss your post on how the hospital visit went?

  2. I haven't written it yet. It wasn't a very good day, and I was happy to get out of there. More soon.



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