Tuesday, August 06, 2024

before this gets lost in the never-ending news cycle

Recently, Israel assassinated Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh. Story here.

So—how did Israel do it?

[Ismail] Haniyeh had been staying at a “heavily guarded complex” in Tehran, according to the New York Times — an official state guesthouse “run and protected by the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps.” Nevertheless, Israel was able to

    • Ascertain which room Haniyeh used during his stays there.
    • Slip a remote-detonated bomb under his mattress.
    • Ascertain when Haniyeh was back in Tehran.
    • Make bomb go boom while Haniyeh slept.

This is all according to local sources who spoke to the Times with the usual protection of anonymity.

As martyrdoms go, Haniyeh’s was delightfully ignominious — in no small part due to Israeli operational genius, plus serious failures on the part of Iranian intelligence and the dreaded Revolutionary Guard. I shouldn’t laugh, but I just can’t help it.

Iran has vowed to strike directly at Israel in retaliation, so please consider this a developing story.

Follow the links and read the rest. Amusing. 

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